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How to Install a Spell Check Plugin on Your WordPress Blog?

It is a matter of fact that most of the people complain about WordPress post editor is that it is not made capable to check the spelling and grammar of the content uploaded to it for being posted unto the website. In order to avoid any spelling and grammar related errors, people using WordPress need to cross-check it various other platforms like Microsoft Word and Grammarly, which comes packed with basic spelling and grammar checkers. However, it might be a bit cumbersome to write the content in the post editor and then paste it somewhere else to check the error and then bring it back to the post editor. Whoosh, it’s tough, isn’t it? WordPress plugin development companies have come up with a number of viable solutions for WordPress users as like WordPress itself. Blogging could never ever be better.

If you want to create error-free content directly on the WordPress post editor, you would need to install a spell check editor on your website.

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If you want to create error-free content directly on the WordPress post editor, you would need to install a spell check editor on your website. This is surely a super easy installation and you can go ahead with it effortlessly without disturbing the normal working of your website. In the current digital market, there are a number of spell and grammar checker tool available for your word. The plugins for WordPress websites are powered by the AI-inspired assistant that helps you to avoid any kind of spelling and grammatical errors in the draft. These tools are capable enough to automatically check any irregularities present in the draft and give you suggestions to change. If you need more features, then you can update to the higher premium version. It will surely improve the style of writing as well as help you with detecting plagiarism as it checks across 16 billion webpages at a single time. You can get in touch with a WordPress development company to integrate these spell checker plugins on your WordPress website at the time of the developing and configuring your blog. This extra step will surely be quite helpful in the long run.

Installing the spell checker plugin:

In order to install the plugin for checking to spell, you need to go to the plugin store and then search for the desired plugins. Upon finding the plugin, you need to install and activate the same. If you are not aware of how to use the plugin, you can check various tutorials available on YouTube. The spelling checker makes available for four different tabs on the screen. These tabs are known as:

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  • Spelling
  • Grammar
  • SEO Empty Fields
  • Broken Code

Once the plugin completes scanning the document, it will highlight all the mistakes in the draft and present the user with viable suggestions to go for. Users can rectify the mistakes by clicking any of the available suggestions. If at all one finds the suggestion not worthy of changing then he or she can simply click on the ignore button to let go that mistake. 

Benefits of installing a spell checker plugin

With the installation of this plugin, you can get rid of presenting your audiences with any content that has grammatical issues as well as spelling errors. Audiences at all times look for content that is high on quality and with no mistakes at all. So, you should also make a habit of presenting the content with no issues. This will highly enhance the level of engagement of audiences on your website and there will certainly be fewer bounce rates. WordPress plugin development companies spend a considerable amount of time designing these plugins for users to improve the experience of running a blog. They also make available for timely updates to these spell checkers with added functionality. So, you should make sure you at all times should have the latest version of the plugins on your website. This will help your website to load faster as well as keep your website protected from spams as well. Plugins have got a major role to play in the WordPress website, so make sure you don’t move ahead with any backlogs. 

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These spell checker plugins are very easy to use and they do integrate with your WordPress website without any hassle. Hopefully, this article would have been helpful for writers and bloggers who have chosen WordPress as their medium of blogging. You must have had a clear picture of how to install the spell checker plugin on your WordPress website as well as how to use them while preparing a draft content for your wide-ranging base of audience. If you are not aware of integrating plugins onto your new-fangled WordPress website, you can get in touch with the professional WordPress development company, who have got years of hands-on experience in developing a website for various customers to help you out with the installation.

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